Users who use bots on this sub, especially for the sake of upvoting, downvoting, creating automated comments or posts, deceptively creating a false bias in favor of your position, or otherwise disrupting discussion of the Mandela Effect in general.ġ2. If there is an appropriate tag for your post, you must use it.ġ1. Harassing a believer, non-believer, or encouraging downvotes is not allowed. In the animation, the lawyer uses Tom Morellos 'Arm the Homeless' guitar with 'Homeless' replaced by 'Lawyers'. The first thing Al complains about is how he got fat. No posts including links with no explanation, blogspam, or conspiracy sites or videosĩ. This is the closest thing so far to an original rap song by Weird Al, notwithstanding 'Twister' (from Even Worse ), a parody in the style of The Beastie Boys. These belong in /r/MandelaJerk (rarely moderated).Ĩ. Again, if the Mandela Effect you've posted could possibly apply to a large group of people,, it goes in the DAE Mega-Thread.ħ. No "does anyone else?" posts and /r/tipofmytongue posts. Being hostile to a person offering a reasonable explanation will be treated the same way as harassing someone who is a M.E. Discussion of possible explanations for a Mandela Effect (including false memory) MUST be civil. Also, posts must include specific details indicating why it relates to a known Mandela Effect/the Mandela Effect in general.Ĥ. Vague titles = low upvotes, and very few comments. Thoroughly sum up what your post is about in the title. No low effort posts, or vague/"guess what?" post titles. PLEASE NOTE: I am NOT 'Weird Al' Yankovic, though I wouldnt complain if I were. If it can potentially apply to a lot of people, it goes in the DAE Mega-Thread, otherwise these belong in /r/Glitch_in_the_Matrix.ģ. If you have any e-mail regarding the 'Weird Al' Yankovic portion of Hotel XVR27, send it to either. A Mandela Effect, by definition, must affect a large group of people. No personal experiences, and stories about changes affecting only you personally. No trolling, aggressive behavior, name calling, bickeringĢ. The effect & name refers to people remembering Nelson Mandela dying in prison in the 1980s, when he actually survived long after his release. The phenomenon where it is discovered that a global, well known fact has apparently changed for A LARGE GROUP OF PEOPLE. OFFICIAL MANDELA EFFECT WIKI: MANDELA-EFFECT.ORG